15 mins on treadmill (morning)
oatmeal w/organic brown sugar + soymilk *breakfast*
DelMonte Fruit bowl (140 calories) *snack*
Chik patti (150 calories) bun + cheese slice *lunch*
Fresh strawberries + 1 large orange *lunch*
Medium diet coke (argh!)..I was tired of drinking water
2 budlights (happy hour with a friend) and some chips and salsa
2 rice cakes with peanut butter *my sad excuse for dinner*
Day 4 of NO COFFEE!! Our electricity went out last night....so I was thinking I wouldn't be able to get on the treadmill. It came back on and even though I was exhausted from the rain ordeal, I got on for 30 mins! This morning was HARD to get on the treadmill...I was so tired and exhausted. My butt muscles still hurt and now my leg muscles hurt too. I know this is a "good" thing, because it means I worked those areas out.
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