Saturday, April 25, 2009

Very Active Day

We are removing a pond from our backyard and today was a very big day. We had a load of dirt (6 yards, whatever that means) delivered on Thursday.

Then today we wheelbarrowed it all from the front yard into the pond to fill it in. It took us 52 (approx) loads to get it all in. We also had to break down a mound of dirt on one end that housed the waterfall and whole pump set. We also had to remove the black liner with a box cutter. I became very handy with a wheelbarrow, rake, shovel and my favorite...the pick axe.

We got that phase done in 3 hours. Shew. Then broke for lunch at Snuffers and came back to do some more leveling and I wanted to plant some rose bushes in memory of my mother. She passed away 19 years ago, yesterday.



I am exhausted and so so sore. My hands hurt pretty bad from all the tools I am not use to. But I am so happy to have this done. And my GoWear Fit counter was lighting UP!!!

LOTS of water
Cheese Fries
Water with Lemon
Half a cheeseburger
Chicken Enchilada
Beef Enchilada
Soft Beef Taco
Chips and salsa
Water with lemon

3 hours of hauling dirt, raking dirt, pick axeing dirt, cutting liner, walking back and forth between the front and back, climbing in and out of the pond
20 Minutes of Wii free step (2001 Steps)

And just for comparison, my GoWear Fit numbers
(This is just as of 9:30 PM)
Calories - 2467
Steps - 9318
Mod Activity - 1:17

And then look at yesterday, a typical day (Full 24 Hours)
Calories - 2204
Steps - 4173
Mod Activity - 40 minutes

Still trying to figure out what Vigorous activity is. LOL


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