Sunday, April 19, 2009

Angie bought the WII FIT

So, yesterday on my way home from getting my nails done, I bought the wii fit.

Let the games begin....teehee!! I was busy all day yesterday and came home and fell into bed, so did not get a chance to set it up. Church this morning and now off to get groceries for the week! When I get home, we are setting it up!! w00t!! My plan is to wake up and do the wii fit in the mornings and go to the gym everyday after work that M does not have a bball game until my membership ends (end of May). So, wii in the morning, gym at night. M has a game or practice two or three times a week, so the gym will be about two days.

Serious allergies are killing me! I'm considering going to the doctor.


Jamie said...

Woohoo!! I am so going to challenge you and get you to use that thing. I will teach you times you can sit there and do step while you catch up on your TV shows, etc. Girl, we are going to burn those pounds off!!

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