Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Input/Output

Very full day. Up to the grocery store, then to a birthday party, then to do the school marquee, workout, get ready for photos, take two of my girls to get their photos done for their birthdays, dinner and then home. My MIL is staying the night tonight so she can babysit two of the girls tomorrow while I go with Julia to her field trip.

1 small cinnamon roll
Iced Tea
Grilled cheese burger
1 Cupcake (Yes, I caved at the party)
1 SlimFast snack bar

46 minutes of Wii...
26 minutes of boxig
20 minutes of free step (2083 steps)

GoWear Fit for Full 24 Hours (I beat all of my Targets for the day! Yay me!!!)
Calories - 2715 (Target = 2600)
Steps - 9617 (Target = 8000)
Mod Activity - 1:20 (Target = :45)


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