Thursday, April 30, 2009

~ Thursday ~

Hazelnut Iced Coffee
Vanilla Cappuccino (FREE!!!)
CFA Nugget Salad
Iced Tea
Chicken Quesadillas

60 minutes of Wii Fit...
(26 minutes of boxing, 20 minutes of Yoga, 14 minutes of balance games)
20 minute walk outside (alone, woohoo, beautiful night)

During 1 round of boxing I went from 1632 calories to 1749
Then the next round I wen from 1749 to 1841

So it seems that 13 minutes of boxing seems to burn 100 calories. Not bad. I burn about 200 calories for 26 minutes of boxing which is fun. I can dig that.

3/30/09 angie

2 Kashi Golean waffles w/peanutbutter on top, coffee
2 pieces of string cheese (80 calories each)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting back on the wagon!!

Boy, have I fallen off :( I bought the wii fit at least two weeks ago. I've decided I just need to be a sneaky pete and do it while the kids are asleep. That means early early in the morning or late late at night. I had a profile set up, but was very frustrated with it because the feet things on the bottom of the board kept falling off, so my pounds were all over the place. Anyhow, that profile was deleted and I set another one today (with the kids in the room of course, they can NOT leave me alone during waking hours). So, that is all I got to....I plan to get on tonight AFTER they go to bed. I wanted to go to the gym after work, but someone called in sick, so I had to stay till 5 and that is a no go for me and the gym! ARGH!!

oatmeal w/brown sugar, coffee
2 med baked potatoes (I can't believe I ate TWO) w/shredded cheese
1 apple, 1 peanut butter/jelly sandwich, some chips and salsa
1 reeses chocolate

Tie Dye Day

I have been out in the backyard all morning tie dying 16 shirts for the birthday party this weekend. I am exhausted, but need to push through it to do my workout. It will probably be pretty basic today. My baby tried to be my little helper but only ended up dying her feet instead. LOL I still have to rinse and wash, but the hard part is over and I am pretty impressed with myself for getting them all done with a couple days to spare.

Special K cereal with 2% milk
Salami and Cheese Sandwich

46 minutes of Wii Fit...
(26 minutes of boxing, 20 minutes of free step (2291 steps))

GoWear Fit as of 3:40 PM
Calories - 1600 (Target = 2600)
Steps - 3278 (Target = 8000)
Mod workout - 15 minutes (Target = 45 minutes)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Tuesday

I am in birthday hell over here. I have two daughters with birthdays coming up. One party this weekend and one two weeks later. Invitations, party favors, birthday photos, etc. ACK!

Bowl of Special K cereal with 2% milk
Chicken and Broccoli Rice
Water with powerade
Boneless Beef Ribs
Mashed Potatoes
Water with powerade

45 Minutes Wii Fit...
(12 minutes of boxing (not sure why I only got 12 today. It's usually 13 per session), 20 minutes of free step (2168 steps), 5 minutes of advanced step, 8 minutes of Yoga)

GoWear Fit as of 9:08 PM
Calories - 2283 (Target = 2600)
Steps - 7475 (Target = 8000)
Mod Activity - 1:04 (Target = :45 {I think I need to up this one})

Monday, April 27, 2009

Field Trip Day

Today I helped chaperone my daughter's field trip. We had a great time. I really enjoyed it as did she. Lots of walking. I loved watching my steps and calories go up while enjoying time with my daughter.

Pepperoni, cheese and triscuits
A few mini oreos
1/2 water 1/2 powerade
BBQ Pulled Pork
Baked beans

Walking around the Dallas Aquarium
46 minutes of Wii Fit...
(26 minutes of boxing, 20 minutes of free step (2064 steps))

GoWear Fit as of 4:00 PM
Calories - 2118
Steps - 9033
Mod Activity - 1:28

Monday: angie

2 Kashi Go Lean waffles & coffee
1 pear, Black Beans + Rice + shredded cheese
fresh Strawberries, 1 cup of unsweet applesauce
3 hershey kisses, 1 peanut butter sandwich, small portion of pasta w/tahini sauce
baked chips with melted shredded cheese
1 biscuit (big one!)

I am so *on my way* to starting my cycle any day now. Hormone city here!!!

22 mins of wii fit. I have to make a new profile I guess because I didn't have those things on the bottom of it the first time, so it weighed me wrong and now it thinks I've gained 9 pounds in a week LMBO!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wii Fit Minutes Update

I forgot to post this last week, but here is a photo of all my Wii fit minutes up to date.

And just because it looks so cool. My Wii Fit calendar with all of my stamps. If I showed you April as well, you would see I have only missed 2 days in the past 5 weeks. Of course those two days were prior to the challenge which started May 6th. Speaking of challenge, we have three weeks left. We are half way there and I believe we all have worked out everyday. Not too shabby. But hopefully they will check in here and comment on there current workouts.

Sunday Input/Output

Very full day. Up to the grocery store, then to a birthday party, then to do the school marquee, workout, get ready for photos, take two of my girls to get their photos done for their birthdays, dinner and then home. My MIL is staying the night tonight so she can babysit two of the girls tomorrow while I go with Julia to her field trip.

1 small cinnamon roll
Iced Tea
Grilled cheese burger
1 Cupcake (Yes, I caved at the party)
1 SlimFast snack bar

46 minutes of Wii...
26 minutes of boxig
20 minutes of free step (2083 steps)

GoWear Fit for Full 24 Hours (I beat all of my Targets for the day! Yay me!!!)
Calories - 2715 (Target = 2600)
Steps - 9617 (Target = 8000)
Mod Activity - 1:20 (Target = :45)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Very Active Day

We are removing a pond from our backyard and today was a very big day. We had a load of dirt (6 yards, whatever that means) delivered on Thursday.

Then today we wheelbarrowed it all from the front yard into the pond to fill it in. It took us 52 (approx) loads to get it all in. We also had to break down a mound of dirt on one end that housed the waterfall and whole pump set. We also had to remove the black liner with a box cutter. I became very handy with a wheelbarrow, rake, shovel and my favorite...the pick axe.

We got that phase done in 3 hours. Shew. Then broke for lunch at Snuffers and came back to do some more leveling and I wanted to plant some rose bushes in memory of my mother. She passed away 19 years ago, yesterday.



I am exhausted and so so sore. My hands hurt pretty bad from all the tools I am not use to. But I am so happy to have this done. And my GoWear Fit counter was lighting UP!!!

LOTS of water
Cheese Fries
Water with Lemon
Half a cheeseburger
Chicken Enchilada
Beef Enchilada
Soft Beef Taco
Chips and salsa
Water with lemon

3 hours of hauling dirt, raking dirt, pick axeing dirt, cutting liner, walking back and forth between the front and back, climbing in and out of the pond
20 Minutes of Wii free step (2001 Steps)

And just for comparison, my GoWear Fit numbers
(This is just as of 9:30 PM)
Calories - 2467
Steps - 9318
Mod Activity - 1:17

And then look at yesterday, a typical day (Full 24 Hours)
Calories - 2204
Steps - 4173
Mod Activity - 40 minutes

Still trying to figure out what Vigorous activity is. LOL

Friday, April 24, 2009

McDonald's Drive Thru

This morning my Kids were driving me nuts and I was not in the mood to fight them over breakfast, so I took them to the McDonald's Drive Thru. I ordered them each a Cinnamon Melt and myself a Hazel Nut Iced Coffee. I can't believe I didn't order any food for me. Although, I did take a bite of their melts. LOL

Hazelnut Iced Coffee

46 minutes of Wii Fit...
20 minutes of balance games (10 minutes towards challenge)
26 minutes of Boxing
Minutes of playground...
5.36 minutes of tetherball
10.41 minutes of handball/wallball

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stressed :(

I am SO incredibly stressed lately. More than I can almost handle. It is showing in my choice of food and lack of exercise! I have GOT to get it together!! I really really need a vacation off work. I have a 7 day pass to a yoga studio that I NEED to utilize. Next thing I eyes will be twitching. Oy!!!!


I had a long list of things to do today and I did most of it. Yeah me. Although, I admit I pushed my workout back because Keira's nap got off schedule and I opted to nap at the same time. Something I haven't done in ages. But it only ended up being a 30 minute power nap as I forgot to put dinner in the crockpot and then my daughter's psychiatrist called, etc. So, I am working on my workout right now.

Slimfast breakfast bar (BLECH)
6 Chik-fil-a Nuggets and three waffles fries
Iced Tea
Slimfast Snack Bar

54 Minutes of Wii...
8 minutes of balance (Keira induced, of course...4 minutes towards the challenge)
26 minutes of boxing
20 minutes of free step (1956 Steps)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Relaxing Wednesday

Didn't do a whole lot today. Just the usual kids to school and back, my workout and now I am about to start dinner.

Cheese, Triscuits, Pepperoni
Water with Lemon
Slim Fast Snack Bar
Shepard's Pie

Out Put:
49 minutes of Wii Fit...
30 minutes of free step (3260 steps)
19 minutes of strength and yoga

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

Totally out of title for these things.

Turkey Jerky
Slim Fast Snack Bar
Sonic Watermelon Slush

30 minutes of Wii Fit...
30 minutes of free step (3195 Steps - I got very hot and tired at the end)
15 minutes of strength exercise
Park play with Sevi, including pushing her on the swing for 10 minutes. My arms are tired.
60 Crunches

Monday, April 20, 2009

How did I forget!!!!!!!

I was so wrapped up in everything going on Friday that I forgot to post my weigh in. I haven't posted a weigh in in WEEKS because there has been no change. No matter how much I was exercising. But this week I about fell off the scale when I saw it. Finally!!! A loss. I couldn't believe it. Down two pounds. So back down to where I was about a month or so ago. The lowest I have been since being overweight.

Monday! angie

2 kashi go lean waffles + peanut butter on top
1 apple & 1 pear
1 chik patty on wheat bun + large sweet poato
1 reeces candy (mini)
2 slices cheese
black beans + brown rice + cheese + baked chips
2 small pieces of bread/rolls

10 min fast paced walk

Thoughts: Last night, I pulled out the wii. I did like the hulahoopin' but I was overwhelmed by my children distracting me, laughing, commenting and generally getting in the way. I'm going to try it out again tonight (on my own).

Manic Monday

It is not. We are having a slow, quiet Monday. Very nice.

ETA: I must have jinxed myself because it turned out to be a Manic Monday. My middle child and I butted heads all day. Then the baby has either growing pains or something going on with her legs. But I got her dresser put together which made me sweat and burn some calories, so that's good.

Bowl of Special K Cereal with 2% Milk
Cold left over Cheese pizza from my in-laws watching the girls
Beef, bean and rice burrito (no sour cream or salsa) with cheese
Sprite (Oh my gosh, never again...saw the calories)

30 Minutes of Wii Fit...
30 minutes of free step
20 minutes of Balance (10 minutes for the challenge)
6 minutes of Yoga

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Sallies

Today is Sunday Sallies. My major splurge night. I am meeting a group of Mom friends for dinner at PF Chang's. YUM!!! I have already been to Snuffer's, IKEA and done 30 minutes of Wii. Now I am making dinner for a girlfriend who just had a baby, more Wii and then dinner.

Special K Cereal with 2% milk
Snuffer's Cheese Fries
Water with Lemon
Turkey and bacon sandwich
Pork Pot Stickers/Dumplings
PF Chang's (chicken, brown rice and who knows what)
Water with lemon
Creme Brulee

50 Minutes of Wii...
30 minutes of free step (3294 steps)
13 minutes of boxing
7 minutes of balance games (Equals 3.5 minutes for Challenge)
70 Crunches (trying to work off the creme brulee)

Angie bought the WII FIT

So, yesterday on my way home from getting my nails done, I bought the wii fit.

Let the games begin....teehee!! I was busy all day yesterday and came home and fell into bed, so did not get a chance to set it up. Church this morning and now off to get groceries for the week! When I get home, we are setting it up!! w00t!! My plan is to wake up and do the wii fit in the mornings and go to the gym everyday after work that M does not have a bball game until my membership ends (end of May). So, wii in the morning, gym at night. M has a game or practice two or three times a week, so the gym will be about two days.

Serious allergies are killing me! I'm considering going to the doctor.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Golf Day

I am working a golf tournament for my daughter's school today. So I will be doing a lot of walking. Woohoo! Burning those calories.

Bowl of Special K Cereal with 2% milk
Slim Fast Snack Bar
Cheeseburger, Potato Salad and Chips (Golf Tournament Dinner)
Iced Tea
Bowl of Light Oreo Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

55 minutes of Wii Fit...
5 minutes of Balance Marbles (Keira made me start with this one today - Counts as 2.5 minutes for challenge)
26 minutes of Boxing
10 minutes of step
14 minutes of Yoga

Friday, April 17, 2009

Big Day

Today is a day I have been waiting for for a couple of years now. My middle daughter is being tested for sensory and impulse issues. I can not wait to have some answers one way or another. So we have her thinking doctor appt. today and then her tests. Very busy yet exciting day. But I am proud of myself. A very wise woman has taught me to think and plan ahead. So today I got up and did my exercise this morning (some of it). So that way I won't be up till 11:00 doing it. LOL

Bowl of Special K cereal with 2% milk (need to switch to Skim after reading that last article I posted)
Med. Hazelnut Iced Coffee
Half a Wendy's Cheeseburger
Half a small fries
Iced Tea
Water with lemon
Chips and Salsa
Beef Soft Taco
Chicken enchilada

46 Minutes of Wii Fit...
26 Minutes of Boxing
20 minutes of free step

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Workin It

Today I have been going going going. Been watching my little calorie counter just go up and up. Might be my best day yet. Way behind on posting. Will finish tomorrow, but wanted to get this all down before I forget.

Beef Tips

48 minutes of Wii Fit...
30 minutes of free step (3229 Steps Yeah baby!!)
10 minutes of strength exercise
8 minutes of Yoga

Thurs: angie

These allergies (I guess that is what it is) are killing me! Weepy eyes, sneezes all day long. I started out bad, but ended off well. Had a bagel for bfast, but subway (veggie delight) for lunch! and I did some exercises at home. Got my heart pumping. Leg exercises, abs and worked with my exercise/stability ball. Booyah!! :)

I'm so tired...going to take some benedryl and hope for a good nights sleep!

"Healthy" Foods to Skip

Surprise Nutritionist No-Nos

Ya, ya, we know what foods nutritionists want us to avoid -- bacon, coffee, hamburgers, fried stuff... But a good number of friendly-looking foods also fall into that category. Instead of fearing all foods, I asked Today Show nutritionist and bestselling author of Joy's LIFE Diet, Joy Bauer to determine her top picks for seemingly safe foods that actually do not do a body good...

2% Milk
The FDA allows 2% milk to be labeled reduced-fat, but that's a relative term (whole milk is 3.25% fat). Calorically speaking, the difference between whole and 2% milk isn't all that impressive: 150 calories for a cup of whole milk vs. 120 for a cup of 2%. Skim milk, on the other hand, has the same protein and calcium content as whole and 2%, but weighs in at 80 fat-free calories per cup. Assuming you drink a cup a day, switching to skim will save you more than 14,000 calories in a year's time. That simple substitution translates to a four-pound yearly weight loss!

Whole Wheat Bagels
While it's true that whole grains, and products made from whole grains, are much healthier than their refined flour counterparts, some whole grain foods are not worth the calories. Take bagels, for instance. A big, New York-style whole wheat bagel has just as many calories (350 or more) as one made with white flour. Definitely stick with whole grains when it comes to bread products, but instead of your Sunday morning bagel and lox ritual, try a toasted whole grain English muffin (130 calories) and lox instead. You'll save at least 200 calories, and who doesn't love all those nooks and crannies?!

Chicken Caesar Salad
It's easy to see why our next trickster, Chicken Caesar salad, leads people astray. After all, aren't we constantly being told to eat more vegetables, and to choose lean sources of protein? But McDonald's Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken contains 410 calories and 24 grams of fat, while their Quarter Pounder has the same number of calories, and even less fat. And that's nothing compared to the classic Chicken Caesar salad recipes you'll find at local restaurants and chains, which contain approximately 1,100 calories and 96 grams of fat.

The culprits, of course, are the creamy Caesar dressing and oil-soaked croutons. Nearly half the calories in McDonald's salad comes from the dressing, so if you switch to their low-fat balsamic vinaigrette, you save 150 calories, as well as 15 grams of fat. The calories in a classic Chicken Caesar almost anywhere can be nearly slashed in half if you lose the croutons and substitute a teaspoon of olive oil (two dashes) and unlimited vinegar for the dressing. Can't live without the Caesar dressing? Request it on the side and go easy!

This cereal was invented in 1863, and then revived 100 years later in the "crunchy granola" 1960's. Originally a simple mixture of rolled oats, nuts, and honey, granola has morphed into a product its 19th century creator would hardly recognize. Bear Naked's latest "all natural" flavor contains 21 ingredients, including four types of sweeteners, chocolate, and peanut butter. It's also 140 calories per ¼ cup (that's a whopping 280 per serving!). Even low-fat granola packs a caloric punch. One serving of Health Valley's Real Oat Bran Almond Crunch clocks in at 200 calories. Consider that the average breakfast bowl holds about two cups of cereal, and you see why granola spells "trouble."

TIP: If you really like starting your day with granola, stick with ¼ cup, and mix it with a less caloric cereal, like Bran Flakes or plain Cheerios. Another option is to sprinkle one to two tablespoons on low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.

Fruit Smoothies
Sure, all that fruit makes smoothies healthier than a milk shake, but your waist doesn't know the difference between the calories in berries, bananas, soy milk, and antioxidant "boosts," and those in ice cream, whole milk, and chocolate syrup. In fact, Jamba Juice's original size Peanut Butter Moo'd® smoothie contains an astounding 840 calories. That's 160 calories more than a medium chocolate shake at Burger King!

You can still enjoy smoothies, just order smart or make your own. "Jamba Light" options contain 150-160 calories per 16-ounce serving, and the same size "All Fruit" selections are 200-220 calories. If you have a blender, try pureeing a sliced banana, one cup of strawberries, one cup of skim milk, and ice to taste. This healthy homemade concoction contains about 230 calories, and will save you lots of dough (smoothies can be pricey!).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Hump Day

Keira and I had a great day. We went exploring. I had found some walking trails a year ago, but today I threw Keira on my back in the Beco and we kept going once the walking trails ended. It was a very nice hike on a beautiful day.

Bowl of Special K Ceral with 2% Milk
Left over Chicken and Salsa Skillet
Iced Tea
Hamburger Mac with Ground Turkey instead of Beef
Water with Lemon

21 minute Walk/Hike
38 Minutes of Wii Fit...
13 Minutes of Boxing (I have bumped myself up to the next level which is the 10 minute level)
15 Minutes of Step
10 minutes of Yoga

Hump Day Madness

luna breakfast bar
1 rice cake w/pbutter, 4 crackers
1 apple, 100 calorie snack
chik patty (150 calories on whole wheat (130 calories) bun spicey mustard
1 (50 calorie) reeces chocolate 1 (170 calorie) reece chocolate
Baked chips with cheese (nachos!)

STILL feeling very "sinus"-y! I'm taking dayquil. My body seems to be holding on to whatever I had. Makes for a very sniffle-filled, congested today. Maybe it is allergies? I dunno, but my eyes...ugh....get blurry and itchy and watery. Sneezes!! and ick feeling.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Meals to help lose a Pound a Week

5 Minute Meals that Melt off the Pounds

RICOTTA WRAP (350 calories): 1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp nonfat ricotta, 2 tbsp slivered almonds, 1/2 cup berries and 2 tsp honey in 1 whole-grain wrap such as Flatout multigrain flatbread

YOGURT CRUNCH (350 calories): 5 oz plain yogurt, 4 walnut halves, 3 tbsp All-Bran, 1/4 cup granola and 3/4 cup cubed melon

BACON, EGG AND CHEESE MUFFIN (500 calories): Scramble 1 large egg in 1 tsp margarine and place on a toasted whole-grain English muffin spread with 1 tsp margarine. Top with 1 slice cooked turkey bacon and 2 tbsp shredded reduced-fat cheddar. Serve with 3/4 cup berries, 1/4 cup lowfat vanilla yogurt and 12 oz skim latte. Try this blogger's tips to cut the cooking time.

SHRIMP SALAD (400 calories): 10 cooked shrimp, 1/3 avocado, sliced, 1 tbsp slivered almonds, 2 tbsp each diced red onion and carrot, 1 tbsp prepared sesame dressing, tossed with 2 cups greens; 3 whole-grain crispbreads

TANGY TURKEY PITA (550 calories): 3 oz turkey breast, 5 olives, 3 tbsp feta, 2 tbsp each diced cucumber and tomato, 6 spinach leaves, 1 tbsp olive oil and 2 tsp balsamic vinegar in 1 whole-wheat pita; 1 large orange

PEAR ‘WICH (650 calories): 3 tbsp almond butter, 1/2 large pear, sliced, 1/8 tsp cinnamon on 2 slices whole-wheat bread. Serve with the other half of the pear.

FISH AND FRIES (400 calories): 4 oz cod rubbed with 1 tsp olive oil, seared (2 to
3 minutes per side); 12 Alexia Sweet Potato Fries, baked as directed on package; 1 1/2 cups sliced cabbage tossed with 2 tbsp reduced-fat dressing

CHICKPEA PASTA (550 calories): 1/3 cup chopped onion, 2 cups chopped zucchini, 1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped, and 1/2 cup chickpeas sautéed in 1 tbsp olive oil. Mix with 1 cup cooked ziti, 2 tbsp Parmesan.

CHICKEN PILAF (600 calories): 3/4 cup cubed, cooked, skinless chicken mixed with 1 1/2 cups cooked Near East Whole Grain Wheat Pilaf drizzled with 1 tbsp olive oil; 1 cup steamed cauliflower with 1 tbsp lemon juice and 2 tbsp fresh parsley

Turkey and cheese roll-up (100 calories): 1 oz sliced turkey breast, 1 oz sliced reduced-fat cheddar rolled up

Chocolate milk with nuts (150 calories): 1 cup light chocolate soymilk, 13 pistachios

Orange spritzer and almonds (150 calories): 8 oz orange juice mixed with 4 oz sparkling water; 7 almonds

Find more tasty (but healthy) meals—and totally free online logs where you can track your calorie and nutritional intake—at Need more incentive? You could win a spa trip for two to Antiga, just for signing up.

Totally Tuesday

I am so not good at titling these things. LOL

So today got totally thrown out the window. We had a playdate at CFA so I had already figured in the nuggets for today's calories. Then I was going to make Beef Tips for dinner.

About 40 minutes before we were going to leave, my youngest fell and busted up her mouth bad. So we had to rush off to the dentist after calling the Ped. So no CFA for lunch and dinner did not get put in the crockpot. So on the way home a few hours later, I went through the Bueno drive thru since it is my baby's favorite. And then we went to CFA for dinner after my oldest's first school musical performance.

Dude, I had no idea how bad Bueno was. Oh my gosh!

100% Whole Wheat Toast with Margarine - 240 Calories
Water with lemon - 0 Calories
Taco - 200 Calories (Holy Moly)
Burrito - 604 (Oh My Gosh... someone pick my jaw up off the ground)
Tostada - 401 Calories
Iced Tea - 0 Calories
CFA Nugget Salad - 450 Calories
Ranch Dressing - 160 Calories
Small Waffle Fires (I only ate a couple of my daughter's but am counting the whole thing) - 280 Calories

I will NEVER eat at Taco Bueno again! I had no idea how bad it was. Never again.

25 Minute Walk outside with my girls (ended up carrying one home on my back).
31 Minutes of Wii Fit
16 minutes of Boxing
6 Minutes of Step
9 Minutes of Balance (only counts at 4.5 minutes for challenge)

Monday, April 13, 2009

No Caff. Monday

It was hard, but I ended up having no caffeine today. HORRRAYYYY!!!

Cereal w/soy milk
Small bag baked doritos (90 calories)
black beans rice cheese
1 cup of applesauce
Another Small bag of baked doritos (I forgot to bring fruit today!!)
Luna Sunrise Morning Nutrition bar
a handful of raw almonds
*several chocolate mini egg candies*
big bowl of veggies (corn, peas, brussle sprouts)

I did not meet my goal of 30 mins of exercise, although I did do a quick walk this morning! Nothing near 30 mins though, but at least it got my heart pumping. I liked doing it though, so I want to continue doing a quick walk in the mornings before breakfast, etc. I totally forgot to bring fruit to work today, which was a bummer!!

Oh Are Ee Oh

Recently my husband has started stocking oreos in the house. No big deal. I really didn't eat too many because he and the girls would always beat me to it. Well last night I worked out. Did great. But then I was hungry. My husband comes out eating Oreos. Which had not been opened yet, so I wasn't even thinking about them till he walked in with them. Then I couldn't stop thinking about them. I HAD to have them. So right before bed I grab two and off I go.

This morning I decided to look at the calories on them. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

140 calories for TWO stinkin cookies. That is crazy. Absurd, really. Did I mention these were the Double Stuff kind? Ugh, what a way to kill a cookie buzz. No more of those for me unless I specifically do enough exercise to burn off just those cookies.

Dannon Activa Light Peach Yogurt - 70 Calories
Chocolate Covered Pretzels - 140 Calories
Hormel Compleat Meal - 270 Calories
BBQ chips - 120 Calories
Water with Lemon - o Calories
Cheesy Chicken Skillet -
Water with Lemon - 0 Calories

51 Minutes of Wii fit...
29 minutes of Free Step (I bumped it up 10 minutes)
12 minutes of Balance (6 count for Challenge)
4 minutes of strength
6 minutes of Yoga

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back to it!!!

I have many goals that I am setting this week. I've decided that I'm being to lax on myself. I need to just stop with the nonsense and go completely to zero caffeine (NO tea!). I'm taking a huge container of bottled water to work tomorrow, so no excuses.

All of the Easter candy turned out to be candy I do not like (that is how I make sure I don't tamper with their candy lol), so no worries on that. I'm taking my heart rate monitor/watch to work with me as well.

I'm ready!! :)

Challenge Check In - Week One

Today is the last day of the first week. I was strong for the most part, but I admit yesterday and today was tough. I still got my workouts in, but it wasn't easy. Weekends are just so busy around here. Especially when you throw in Easter. But I did my 45 minutes (and then some) everyday. Yay me!

So here was my Minutes Bank on Wii right before this started.

And here is my Minutes Bank after 7 days of working out. I did a total of 5.29 hours on the Wii.

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter everyone. Hope you had a great day. We have been busy celebrating over the past 3 days and I am wiped out.

Today I took the older two girls to see Hannah Montana at a cool place that sreves lunch during the movie. We all three had a really great time.

Pigs in a Blanket
Chips and Salsa
Water with lemon
Ceasar Salad
Slim Fast Snack Bar
Pork Chops
Corn on the Cob
Baked beans

47 minutes of Wii
11 Minutes of Strength Exercise
16 Minutes of Boxing
20 Minutes of Free Step

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday with the In-Laws

Today has been a full day. I slept in and then had to get everyone up and ready to leave the house and be gone for the rest of the day. We went to Target to do some last minute Easter stuff, then to Snuffer's for lunch and then over to my in-laws for Easter Dinner. After lunch I went to the park with the girls. I had fun climbing and chasing them. But man, they reminded me how out of shape I am. Then dinner with the family. So very bad eating today, but I have been able to get some exercise in.

Cheese Fries
Water with Lemon
Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 Slices of Pizza
Green Salad
Pasta Salad
Iced Tea

15 minute walk to the park
Lots of climbing and running at the park
15 minute walk home
37 Minutes of Wii Fit..
13 Minutes of Strength
4 Minutes of Balance
20 Minutes of Step

Friday, April 10, 2009

Very Fun Day and Day #5 of Challenge

I am exhausted. Today has been a fun day for the kids. Good Friday got Juls out of school today. And then my local Moms Board had it's annual Easter Egg Hunt. So I took all three girls by themselves. Shew. I am exhausted. But I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. Sevi and Julia did really well listening to me and Keira was fine as long as you let her have free roam of the playground.

Then today was an anniversary of sorts for Steve and I. We went on our first date 10 years ago tonight. So we went out to dinner and I had some tulips delivered to him at work.

Sadly, I feel like crap though. My allergies are killing me. We had/are having some horrible fires in North Texas and I think it is burning up a lot of stuff I am allergic to and blowing i the wind right to my front door step. I have never had allergies this bad. My poor daughters kept telling me they were sorry I am so sick. So I have to admit, I di my first 20 minutes of Wii this afternoon. But man, doing the last 25 took every last bit of energy I had. Even Steve said he was impressed because he expected me to just crash tonight. But I have a very thick, very strong competitive bone in my body. And I wasn't going to let allergies stop me now. Plus I am kicking butt on my Calories Output on my GWF and wanted to see what it really would be will my full 45 minutes in. So far it is at exactly 2600 calories as I type this with 2 more hours in the day. Yesterday my total was 2686. So I should beat that today.

Oh so bad. With the picnic and then dinner
Blueberry Muffins - 190 Calories
Hazelnut Iced Coffee (I needed it for the hunt lol) - 190 Calories
Pasta Salad
Spinach Dip with Chips
6 Chicken Nuggets
Shrimp Brochette
Chips and Salsa

45 minutes of Wii...
20 minutes of free step
16 minutes of boxing (man, I am still sore from yesterday)
9 minutes of strength exercises
**Bonus** Couple of hours of chasing three girls around a park.

Friday: angie

I started feeling sick yesterday and today am feeling horrible. Weigh in this morning, I maintained. I have not eaten anything yet this morning (errr...afternoon). My throat is all closed up and hurts like needles poking! I got the 7 day pass at 24 hr fitness and have yet to be able to go. I'm so peeved about that. It expires this upcoming TUES. *HOPING* I feel better by tomorrow because I really want to get over and try it out.

PB&J sandwich + tea
Coffee (large) + 2 chocolates
Southwestern Vegetable Soup
Chips + Salsa

I've been laying around most of the day. Going to take some nyquil and see if I can go to sleep and stay asleep. Last night was horrid with waking many times during the night trying to breathe (sinus). I feel like a good nights sleep tonight will do me good. Then, tomorrow, I'm going to go to 24 hr...even if I just walk on the treadmill for 15 mins...I need/want to do something!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I caved

I have been having an inner argument with myself this week.

Yesterday I was craving a McyD's Hazelnut Iced Coffee. I wanted one so bad. But then I took some advice from Oprah herself and asked myself WHY was I craving it. Well, because I was thirsty and wanted something that tasted good so I would drink enough of it. So I tried to think of other things that sounded good and nothing was coming to mind till I saw the Chik-fil-a sign. I could have an Un-Sweet Iced Tea. So I pull in there. We were out of milk at home, so I didn't have my usual cereal. So when i saw that CFA had Sausage Breakfast Burritos, my stomach ordered one without my head's approval. However, my head did jump in and quickly ordered the meal with Fruit. Then I could save the fruit for a morning snack after working out or an afternoon snack. So I started out good subbing the Coffee for Tea but then ordered a burrito. But did good by getting the fruit instead of the hash browns.

Get home, pull everything out and there, in front of me, is a container of Hash Browns. ACK! No Fruit. And I love love love hash browns. How could I resist. So I broke a few up and put them on my burrito but quickly gave the rest to Keira who was more then happy to eat them for me.

All of this because I craved a coffee.

So today, I craved the coffee again. But remembering what happened yesterday when I tried to be good, I went and got the coffee for me and breakfast for the girls. Yay me. LOL I have got to find a better solution to my thirstiness. I don't drink enough as it is, but shouldn't have coffee in the mornings to quench my thirst. Something to think about...

Medium Hazelnut Iced Coffee (McyDs) - 190 calories
Leftover Sundried Tomato Pasta - 390
Water with Lemon - 0
Southwest Chicken Salad - 430
Creamy Southwest Dressing - 100

Total - 1110 Calories

Wii Fit 52 minutes...
16 Minutes of Boxing
9 minutes of Strength
20 minutes of free step
7 minutes of balance (Cool down 'Cuz I rocked the step at over 2200 Steps)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Down Days

This is the second time that going to Houston has thrown me all off and it sux big time! Not only traveling, but being on my cycle has left me tired and down.

Breakfast: CFA bagel w/cream cheese + strawberry jam + large unsweet tea
Lunch: Large Sweet Potato + 3 chocolate candies (190 calories)
Snack: Cheez-it Crisps
Dinner: Steamed veggies with parm cheese on top (green beans, broccoli & cauliflower)

Blargh, I feel icky from the fatty/sugary food I've eaten today!

Challenge Day #3 and the GoWear Fit

Yesterday's Numbers...

Calories burned from 4:00 till midnight:

Steps taken from 4:00 till midnight:

Mod Activity:
29 minutes (Interesting. I wonder what they consider Mod?)

This thing is so cool. I ended up burning 2028 calories from 4:00 PM till midnight. I did do my 45 minutes of Wii during that time but I also had a PTA Meeting. So not bad. The system has recommended that if I eat 2000 calories a day, I need to burn 3000 a day to lose 2 pounds a week. Well that just doesn't seem right as I am not losing any weight right now but it seems I am burning somewhere around 3000 calories. But today will be a better look. I also need to better count my calorie intake. So, not much to report right now, but I will have more numbers tonight.

In my sleep, from Midnight till 6:30 I burned 552 calories.

As of this posting at 7:50AM I have burned 756 calories.

Iced Tea
CFA Breakfast Burrito with Sausage and a couple of Hashbrowns (ate 1/2 of it) [460 + 260] / 2 = 360 ish
Iced Tea
New Pizza Savorings Thingys - 260 Calories per serving (4)
SlimFast Optima Snack - 120 Calories
Pepper Steak - 166 Calories
Sundried Tomato Pasta - 360 Calories

Total = 1266

My Wii Piggy Bank turned silver today. Woohoo. Over 20 hours of Wii Fit exercise.
57 Minutes of Wii Fit...
13 Minutes of Strength
20 Minutes of Free Step
7 Minutes of Hula Hoop
11 Minutes of Yoga
2 Minutes of Strength again because Keira woke and wanted to do the Jackknife with me.
4 Minutes of Balance so Keira could see the "Baas"(balls/marbles)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Challenge Day #2 and My New Toy

I am running out the door to a PTA meeting but wanted to get my current exercise in before I forget.

Bowl of Special K Cereal with 2% milk
Salami Sandwich
Watermelon Iced Tea
Bean and Corn Salsa with Tortilla Chips

46 Minutes Wii Fit...
11 Minutes Strength
20 Minutes Step
15 Minutes of Yoga and more Strength

Ok, so I got my new toy today. Woohoo! The GoWear Fit (To be referred to as GWF from now on). It's so cool. I wear it on my arm and it tracks my activity throughout the day. It let's me know how many calories burning I'm burning, how many steps I have taken, etc. It even works while I am sleeping.

I wore it from 4:00 on today, so I don't have a full set of numbers, but I will post what it said tomorrow. I am already addicted.

Monday, April 6, 2009

~ Challenge Day 1 ~

So today was the first day of the challenge and I did it. Of course I did. It's the first day. We all start off gunho about things. So doing it today doesn't mean anything. But...I have done 40+ minutes everyday for the past 3 weeks except for 3 days. Not bad. I can and WILL do this.

I also splurged and bought a new toy today. It will arrive tomorrow. I am SO excited and can not wait. So stay tuned for an update tomorrow on my new toy and all kinds of new numbers.

Bowl of Special K cereal with 2% Milk
1 Slimfast snack bar
Homemade berry smoothie
2 Slimfast snack bars
A couple of cheeze its
Lasagna Toss
Watermelon Iced Tea

45 minutes of Wii Fit...
20 minutes of free step
25 minutes of Strength and Yoga (I bounced back and forth so I don't have exact numbers for each)

I'm back.....

I'm back from Houton. Dad seems to be making progress everyday. It will be a slow recovery though. Eating was bad. My family does not have the concept of health down very good. We arrived to cupcakes and cake, huge soft pretzels and snacks galore at my grandma's house.

Breakfast: 1 prune, 1 Sunrise Breakfast LUNA bar
Snack: 1 boiled egg
Lunch: 1 pj&j sandwich (sugar free jam) whole wheat bread
Snack: 240 calorie pack of mixed nuts + 1 boiled egg + large unsweet tea
Dinner: black beans + brown rice + salsa (NO chips this time!)
Snack: 80 calorie mini luna bar

I checked out 24 hr Fitness! I liked it!

My Starting Time

OK, so I am going to post pictures like this every so often to keep up with my Challenge. I will take photos of my Wii Fit total time to make sure I am doing my 45 minutes. Granted, I won't always do it on the Wii Fit, but usually I will.

So I am starting off with 18 hours and 13 minutes in the bank.

And I have already done 20 minutes of Cardio today! Yay me!! I will post another picture at the end of the day with my 45 minutes added in.

And after doing 45 minutes of Wii Fit (20 Free Step, 25 Strength and Yoga).

A Friendly Challenge

My dear friends, Brandie and Teresa, have gone in on a challenge with me. We are all on weight loss journeys and goals of just getting healthy. We have all been supporting each other and helping each other out through this. So now we have stepped it up a little. A friendly exercise challenge.

Exercise Challenge

Teresa, Brandie & Jamie

Start: Monday, April 6, 2009
End: Friday, May 15, 2009

Challenge: 45 minutes of exercise per day

Prize: Winner to get one (1) Wii Fit game of their choice from the losers

Winner: The woman with the most total days wins!

1) 45 minutes of exercise per day
a. 20 minutes must be straight cardio
b. 25 minutes
i. Cardio, strength, yoga
ii. Split throughout the day if needed
2) Wii Fit: 20 minutes of Jogging or Step Aerobics can count as 20 minutes cardio
3) Wii Fit: All other exercise counts as full time (minute for minute) towards additional 25 minutes of exercise
4) Wii Sports: All other Wii active games (baseball, tennis, bowling, etc) can be counted as half time towards the 25
additional minutes of exercise (20 minutes on the machine = 10 minutes of exercise for the day)

I am excited about this challenge as I have been doing almost this for the past two weeks. I just need to step it up a little, which is a good challenge.

So Bring It On!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jamie's Saturday

This weekend we had nothing planned and were looking forward to a quiet and relaxing weekend. Well that all got thrown out the window. Since we had nothing planned, we decided we would take the girls to a Collin County Rattlers Football game. We also knew we wanted to do some yard work and work on getting the pond out. But irst we had to get rid of the HUGE rocks. So I listed them on Craigslist. Well that started our day off in a frenzy. Who knew rocks were such a hot commodity. We got SEVERAL responses. It was crazy. So we spent the morning getting that all organized. Went to our usual lunch at Snuffer's. Came home to meet the rock people and my friend Dina who was coming to get a King bed frame. I had to workout and then cook dinner for my friend Erin who had knee surgery. Then we needed to head to the game and figure out dinner for us. Stopped at Sonic (Blech, SO not a fan). And then went to the game of which Baby K would not stay still for, so I got even more exercise chasing her up and down the bleachers. Luckily there was not that many people there, so she could run around all she wanted.

But I am pretty proud of myself. I never workout on Saturdays. It is usually my day off, but I am about to start a challenge with friends (More info to come Monday) and so I need to get in the habit of working out EVERYday.

Bowl of Special K cereal with 2% milk
Club sandwich (no Ham)
Small portion of cheese fries
Water with lemon
Southwestern Grilled Chicken Salad
Tator Tots
Iced Tea

34 minutes of Wii...
20 minutes of free step
8 minutes of strength
6 minutes of yoga
Lots of running up and down bleacher stairs

Date Night

Today is yet another busy day. I feel like I say that everyday. I had to get Juls off to school, finish folding, stuffing and sorting Newsletters, take Sevi to therapy, go to Julia's assembly (where she was getting a prize), workout and then slow down and enjoy a night out with my husband. Shew!

Bowl of Special K cereal with 2% Milk
Leftover chicken enchilada casserole (scarffed down, not good)
Shrimp Brochette
Beef Fajitas
Water with Lemon
Jr. Candy Sundae from Sonic.

49 Minutes of Wii...
20 Minutes free step
15 minutes of strength exercises
10 minutes of yoga
4 minutes of balance (Keira wanted to see the "balls".)

My weigh in was not good today. 197.5. I was very confused as to what is going on till i talked about it at dinner with Steve. I use to work out at night after dinner, before bed. Now I work out during nap time in the afternoon.

Before, when I was working out at night, I would go to bed and then wake up hungry, eat a little breakfast. Then I wouldn't be overly hungry at lunch, so I would eat a little lunch. And then same for dinner. Like it should be.

But now that I am working out in the afternoon, I am hungry when dinner time rolls around so I eat more. But then I am not hungry for breakfast. So I don't eat. But then when lunch rolls around I am starving and over eat again. Bad, vicious cycle.

But I was so tired by the end of the day that I didn't want to work out. So, I am open to any suggestions on how to break this cycle but still work out in the afternoon.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday: weigh in day

150 on the dot. Grrr!!

4 kashi go lean waffles w/peanut butter + large coffee :(
Morning Star Farms chik pattie on bun + 100 calorie bag of almonds

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Jacknife

Man, I tried a new exercise yesterday on the Wii Fit under "Strength". My Abs are hurting today and I am loving it! LOL I did two reps of 10 yesterday so today I did one rep of 10 and one rep of 20. Woohoo. I should hurt tomorrow. This is good though. Means it is working and my Abs need it.

This week has been so crazy. I have been leaving my house at 7:10 and not getting home till 2:30 with maybe a 30 minute drive by to eat. Crazy, stressful week.

2 Tacos
1 Bean burrito
Iced Tea
Chicken Enchilada Casserole with Tortilla chips
Iced Tea

Wii Fit for 45 minutes
Free Step for 20 minutes
Strength for 15 minutes
Yoga for 10 minutes

thurs: angie 4/1/09

2 kashi go lean waffles w/peanutbutter on top
large unsweet tea + morningstar farms chik pattie on a bun + homemade bean soup
Snack: Yogurt covered cranberries