Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday: weigh in day

Todays weight: 149.6

* I don't think I've been getting enough calories - so my goal is to up my calories a bit this next week!

Breakfast: 1.5 packs of 100 calorie oatmeal
Lunch: 1 sweet potato 2 chik patties (140 calories each) + large unsweet tea
Snack: 1 pear + cottage cheese and apple sauce + 1 tbsp of peanutbutter
Dinner: Lean Cuisine Pizza 370 calories
Snack: 100 calorie granola bar

I'm not going to get excited about being in the 140s till I am consistantly in the 140s three or four days in a row, so hopefully that will be this week! :D

I'm going on a mom/girls night out with a new friend I met from Mason's new baseball team. She has two children that are the same ages as two of my children (only opposite genders lol).


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