Friday, January 8, 2010


THIS WEEKS LOSS: -2 lbs (yippee!!)

The loss could be associated with my cycle ending, however, my starting weight is a weight that I have been at consistantly for the past year or so, so this might just be the good start I was looking for!!

Major Weight Loss Goal: 24 lbs (22 lbs to go)
1st mini Weight Loss Goal: 5 lbs (3 lbs to go)
1st diet goal: Reduce Coffee...I'm on DAY 7!! and on my way!!

I'm so so proud of myself about the caffeine and I'm glad I didn't start out with saying "I'm stopping 100% from now on"...because I just need to drink it in moderation. But, everyday was way to addictive and way to hard on my body. I'm going to stick with zero caffeine at least 1 more week (giving it two weeks to completely get out of my body and break the habit) before I even give myself the option to have some occasional coffee with a friend. Then, I will be to my next mini goal...hmmm...what to choose lol I like challenging myself!

orange (med size) -bfast
bowl organic cereal w/soy milk - bfast
mixed nuts - snack
lean cuisine pizza (I need to get more creative with lunch, but this is so quick and easy!!) - lunch, cocoa almonds - snack
went out to dinner with a friend, got the large house salad and one draft "light" beer. I SO WANTED to order bad stuff lol..but I'm not ready to have days where I can free for all it.
greek yogurt w/honey - snack


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