Monday, February 15, 2010

Need to get back on track

My back is feeling better (knock on wood), so I want to get back to business. I rearranged my bedroom last night where my t.v. is in front of the treadmill. Lets hope that helps the boredom with walking ;)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Weigh In Day

Whoop Whoop! Its weigh in day! I was actually shocked beyond belief that I actually had a loss (although small) considering I went out and ate pizza (although it was healthier than most pizza and from a fine restaurant) and had beer/wine (which always bloats me beyond words!!) last night. Makes me hopeful for this upcoming week. Today has been busy busy busy. I did not really keep up with my food instake (which was not a lot truth be told) and I did not exercise. I'm going to say this is my day off. Back to the grind tomorrow!

Friday BLC Weigh In Day

It's Friday. Time to weigh in again. Not a bad loss. 2.5 pounds. I'll take it. I wish I could lose this much every week. Then I would reach my goal in a healthy time limit. Sadly, I know not every week will be like this. But I will try. That's the best I can promise.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

thurs: angie

YAWN <-- that is what I have been doing :(

30 mins treadmill - 1.67 miles
arm exercises

cereal (200) soymilk (50)-bfast
4 slices soymeat (100) 2 cheese slices (160)-lunch
soyjoy bar (140) 100 cal almond pack-snack
This is where it gets bad lol
went to dinner with a friend (wine and beer) and had 2 slices of pizza, although it was veggie pizza and super yummy!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WTH Wednesday

Ugh! I've got to get myself to bed earlier so I wont want to go back to bed after I take the kids to school (which is exactly what I did today). It totally messes up my schedule..including my eating/exercise schedule. Ok folks..I about DIED on the treadmill tonight. But, I kept telling myself "YOU WILL NOT QUIT!!!"

15 mins on treadmill (morning) .82 miles
45 mins on treadmill (evening) 2.54 miles
= 1 hour & 3.36 miles

1 cup Organic cereal (200 cal) w/soymilk (50 cal)-bfast
1 soyjoy bar-snack
100 cal pack of nuts -snack
baked broccoli (10 oz fresh package)-lunch
1cup strawberries,1cup blueberries-lunch
1/4 cup of cheese fish -snack
Salad - dinner
Greek Yogurt w/honey (250 cal)-snack

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tooooo busy Tuesday

I had so much to do and planned for today. That ended when a certain little boy woke up complaining his stomach was hurting. So, went back to sleep with him so he would stay asleep and get more rest. Woke up later than I wanted and ate before I exercised because by that time, it had been so long since the last time I ate, I was STARVING!! CRAPtastic! This is life though, so I'll roll with the punches. For lunch, I ate one of my favorite meals (black beans and rice with shredded cheese). I usually add salsa and baked chips (scoops!). I decided to not add salsa and baked chips. It was beans/rice left over from last week, so I wanted to use it instead of making a new lunch. Not sure how often I will eat it as it is not as yummy without the baked chips and salsa. Oh, and its official, I do not crave coffee anymore :)

30 mins treadmill (morning) 1.62 miles

1 cup organic cereal (200 cal) 1/2 cup soymilk (50 cal) -bfast
no snack, overslept, so time is out of whack today!
black beans/brown rice/shredded cheese (NO BAKED CHIPS)-lunch
1/4 cup muesli (110 cal), 1 tbsp peanutbutter-snack
large salad + 2 pieces of tilapia fish (160 cal)-dinner

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fruity start to the week

I managed to exercise before eating this morning. Its better on my stomach to not walk/run on a full stomach. I'm adding broccoli slaw to my salads now. Gives me more of a "filling" vibe. Link is below, but I just get the store brand. 1 hour on the treadmill + leg exercises. *pats self on back*

30 mins on treadmill (morning)
30 mins on treadmill (evening)
a little over 3 miles in all :) Its a START!!
leg exercises

1 med orange, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup cut up fresh stawberries
1 tbsp peanut butter, banana - snack
large salad - lunch (includes broccoli slaw)
100 cal pack of mixed nuts-snack
12 oz of steamed broccoli + greek yogurt/honey (250 cal)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday: angie

I didn't realize, but I probably had a 1600 calorie day. I guess I could have done without the granola bar and the extra chik patty and probably the cheese too. Definately noted! I also need to get in the habit of measuring out my cereal and milk to make sure I'm not eating 2 servings. I was late for church today, so I literally had to eat while I was getting dressed. UGH! Its hard for me to figure out the salad calorie content. I guess I'll try to pay more attention to that. I am measuring out the dressing to 2 tbsp, so that is covered calorie wise. I never really factor in the calorie content of the lettuce since it is so low. Goal for tomorrow: Exercise BEFORE I eat breakfast!

25 mins on treadmill
arm exercises

cereal w/soymilk-bfast
granola bar 140 cal, 100 cal pack of almonds & banana-snack
Salad- lunch
1 cup of fresh blueberries (aprox 80cal) -snack
2 morningstar chik patties (300 cal) w/cheese (80cal) on top
+ 12oz steamed broccoli and carrots

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Crazy TV Friday

So yesterday was a lot of fun. I was on TV!! Woohoo. Wish I could say it was for something a little more exotic, but alas, it was for Potty Training. Yep, I said it. Potty Training. I was contacted through my Moms website ( to do this. So if you would like to see the real me live in all my overweight glory, check it out here...

Let the exercise begin....

20 mins treadmill (morning)

2 oranges -bfast
small apple, 6 slices YVES turkey deli (soy protein) and 2 slices med sharp cheese (aprox 390 cal)
raw almonds -snack
granola bar (140 cal) -snack
Big Salad - dinner
banana -snack

I did a lot of self reflection today. It felt good to get on the treamill again. I've been thinking about how I've been neglecting myself when it comes to things that make *me* feel good. Weighing out the fact that I do work hard (work, school, home, parenting)...I decided I deserve to pamper myself once in awhile and am going to concentrate on making myself feel good as I work hard :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

BLC Begins

Today starts another round of the BLC (Biggest Loser Competition) for my Moms board ( I joined. My motto is "I'm not in it to win it. I am in it to LOSE it!". If I win, what a bonus. But really I am just wanting the accountability to lose the weight. So I sent in my before photos and my starting weight is below. I plan to post my weigh in here every Friday when I send it in for the competition.


1 med apple, 1 med orange 1 tbs of peanut butter - breakfast
pack of roasted almonds (250 calories) - snack
hummus + carrots and oven baked broccoli and cauliflower - lunch
greek yogurt w/honey (250 cal) - snack
tuna sandwich (w/cheese slice, pickles, mustard)

I oven baked broccoli and cauliflower for the first time today. Why have I not done this sooner? It was delish!! So delish, my oldest daughter would not stop eating it after I offered to let her try just one bite lol. I'm going to have to do it again to see if the younger two like it. So quick and easy too! I was impressed :) All you have to do is throw your veggies in a bowl, drizzle some olive oil over (I mixed it around with a spoon), salt + pepper + garlic to taste and put in 450 degree oven for 10 mins (or however long you want, just keep checking) laid out on a baking sheet. I was going to sprinkle some parm cheese on them afterwards, but I forgot. Still yummy as ever!

My stomach starting hurting again late afternoon and still now this evening. I really want to know what is going on :(

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not much to report

I've been having mega stomach pains since yesterday afternoon, so food has not sounded or tasted good at all. Just want to curl up in a ball. My daughter said her tummy hurt tonight too, so crossing fingers it is NOT a virus..ugh! BLC starts tomorrow for the moms group, so hoping I can kick that off feeling better. This SUCKS!

Monday, January 11, 2010


rasp leaf tea-bfast
honey cinn almonds & gold fish-snack
tuna sandwich + baked chips-lunch
2 hard boiled eggs & orange - snack
greek yogurt w/honey
gold fish & honey cinn almonds

I started feeling bad last night, so didn't really eat a proper dinner. I tried and tried to think of something that would not hurt my already sour tummy. But, did not come up with anything :(

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting ready for a new week

cereal w/soy milk -bfast
med size orange - snack
nut mix & baked chips - snack
med size baked sweet potato - lunch
honey cinnamon almonds - snack
black beans+rice+baked chips - dinner
cheddar fish- snack

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday: Angie

cereal -bfast
skipped snack for lunch!
2 bowls of minestrone soup + salad - lunch
2 chik patties with cheese slice -dinner
cocoa almonds - snack
hot cocoa w/whip cream -snack

I met a friend out for lunch at Olive Garden and got the soup/salad. Had minestrone soup and it was the BEST I've ever had. Honestly, I have never liked minestrone soup, so this was a great surprise! Loved it so much I had two bowls *blush* Only 1 bowl of salad though and I resisted the bread sticks and ordered water. **pats self on back** Good Job! haha!

Friday, January 8, 2010


THIS WEEKS LOSS: -2 lbs (yippee!!)

The loss could be associated with my cycle ending, however, my starting weight is a weight that I have been at consistantly for the past year or so, so this might just be the good start I was looking for!!

Major Weight Loss Goal: 24 lbs (22 lbs to go)
1st mini Weight Loss Goal: 5 lbs (3 lbs to go)
1st diet goal: Reduce Coffee...I'm on DAY 7!! and on my way!!

I'm so so proud of myself about the caffeine and I'm glad I didn't start out with saying "I'm stopping 100% from now on"...because I just need to drink it in moderation. But, everyday was way to addictive and way to hard on my body. I'm going to stick with zero caffeine at least 1 more week (giving it two weeks to completely get out of my body and break the habit) before I even give myself the option to have some occasional coffee with a friend. Then, I will be to my next mini goal...hmmm...what to choose lol I like challenging myself!

orange (med size) -bfast
bowl organic cereal w/soy milk - bfast
mixed nuts - snack
lean cuisine pizza (I need to get more creative with lunch, but this is so quick and easy!!) - lunch, cocoa almonds - snack
went out to dinner with a friend, got the large house salad and one draft "light" beer. I SO WANTED to order bad stuff lol..but I'm not ready to have days where I can free for all it.
greek yogurt w/honey - snack

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 6 of NO coffee

Day 6 No coffee/caffeine!! So, tomorrow it will be ONE WEEK! So close to my goal of 10 days!! No headaches and the cravings are subsiding (yes!!). Still very tired during the day. My sleep is bad at night. I think I'm going to get me a new mattress topper and see if that helps. I took a nap this morning (which is NOT good!) since I haven't been getting good sleep at night.

2 granola bars (190 cal) - bfast
mixed nuts (ate this twice!) - snack
lean cuisine pizza - lunch
orange - snack
black beans + brown rice + baked chips + salsa - dinner
greek yogurt + honey (250 cal) - super yummmmmy!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm about ready to kick into gear with exercising. Now that I'm trying to change some eating habits, I think adding exercise is my next step. I keep telling myself "baby steps" and to not have the "all or nothing" attitude! Just need to keep it together and take each day as it comes!

2 granola bars bfast on the go
1 yogurt bar - bfast on the go
starbucks parfait (sp?) 350 cal - snack
lean cuisine pizza - lunch
bowl of cereal - dinner
carrots, almonds, sourcream onion chips - snack

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More sleepless nights!

Not being able to sleep at night is really taking its toll. Day #5 of NO COFFEE! I'm really craving it. Or actually, I really want it to wake me up after a horrible, toss turning night of sleep :( I read somewhere that it is good to start out the day eating fruit (on an empty tummy). That the fruit kind of acts like a street cleaner for your insides and cleans you out (so to speak). I'll give it a whirl. I'm not so keen on eating fruit first thing, but who knows! I think I'll have Fridays be my weigh in days since that is the day I first weighed in last week. *edit to add* the fruit worked!

med size apple (bfast)
and then later, more bfast.....
cereal mix w/soymilk (kashi and another)-bfast
protein shake w/whole milk (aprox 300 cal) - snack
cup of carrots - snack
chik patty - lunch (150 cal)
lean cuisine pizza (340 cal) - lunch
cinnamon almonds - snack
tuna sandwich w/cheese slice + chips (sourcream/onion) - dinner
DRINK: water water water

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 of NO coffee

Day 4 (I wish it was day 10 lol) of No coffee. Had a very sleepless night last was HORRIBLE! I will push on.....

cereal w/soy milk - bfast
almonds (small bag - aprox 300 cal)- snack
more almonds (cinnamon) - (prob about 1/2 cup..seriously lol) snack
bbq chips (this bag is almost gone, thankfully! and then no more bbq chips)
Lean Cuisine pizza (340 cal) - lunch
blueberry pancakes plain with no syrup (dinner)

not feeling great after the pancakes..ugh!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3 and feeling rough

ugh! thats all my mind wants to say. Day 2 of Aunt Flo and Day 3 of No coffee. I'm sluggish. I thought my energy would return *wink* I'm going to attempt to take a walk around the neighborhood today.

Food: greek yogurt w/purely o's cereal mixed in (bfast)
a few bbq chips (snack? lol)
nuts (almonds, etc - snack)
pb&j sandwich (lunch)
potato soup (2 bowls - dinner)

I'm sure I ate more, but don't remember (this was yesterday Jan 3rd)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 - Many changes are a comin'

Fitting for day 2 ... aunt flo showed up. I feel its a bit early, but oh well..better to get her visit over with this month. Day 2 of no coffee. So far, I'm ok. No headaches. I did have a witchy moment (or two) last night, but made me some raspberry leaf tea to sip on. I have my ice water on my desk ready for today! I'm hoping by 7-10 days out (of no coffee)...I'll not need to update about it heehee ;)

*update* ugh, not feeling that great today!

Food: oatmeal (cinn and brown sugar added) - small bowl (breakfast)
Almonds (handful or so) (snack)
peanut butter/Jelly sandwich (lunch)
Greek strawberry Yogurt (snack)
Chik sandwich (cheese slice) + bbq chips (the bad kind)
More Almonds (handful or so (snack) + more bbq chips
Drink: WATER

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year + New Goals

Major Weight Loss Goal: 24 lbs (24 lbs to go)
1st mini Weight Loss Goal: 5 lbs (5 lbs to go)
1st diet goal: Reduce Coffee

Day 1 of no coffee. Yes, I've said it before and said I would stop drinking coffee. But, I can tell that my anxiety gets worse after I drink it. I feel like heaven drinking it, then when it kicks in, it kicks my anxiety into overdrive and I can feel my body raging with nervousness. Its a sick cycle. I told my daughters that it is my goal to not drink it on a daily basis (which I have been!!). However, I will drink it on the occasions I meet up with friends ~ so, it will be in moderation, not dropping totally, but definiately will not be drinking it every single day. Sorry McDonalds, but I will be saving my $1.50 a day habit and putting that $$ to good use somewhere else!