Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Sallies

Tonight was a night I had been looking forward to. Sunday Sallies at Uncle Julio's. My husband and I came to an arrangement a year ago that one Sunday a month I could count on him to be home so I could go out with girlfriends. And for a year, it has worked. And tonight it was at my favorite place, Uncle Julio's. And my lovely friend and challenge participant, Teresa, shared the Guadalajara Plate with me. YUM!!

Today was a crazy day leading up to diner. We purchased a swing set from a Mom on my Mom's board. Some things changed and we ended up going over there Sunday morning to pick it up. It was not dismantled yet, so we spent 3.5 hours in the heat taking this thing apart as much as needed to get it UP and OVER the fence and UP onto the flatbed truck we rented. I have not sweated or worked out that much in years. My poor husband was exhausted and in pain. I have NEVER seen him like that. That's how much work this thing was. Then we got it home and got a neighbor to help us get it UP and OVER our fence. I keep emphasizing the UP and OVER because you have no idea how big and heavy a few of the pieces were.

So with all of that said, I did not get a work out in. We didn't even get home and get the truck back till 3:30. Did I mention the MAJOR storm with hail that hit right when we were unloading it? The roof that flew off the back of the truck on the way home...twice. Yeah, I had nothing left in me to work out today. I barely got in the shower and thank goodness a friend was driving. So I splurged and had a Strawberry Daquari. I never drink alcohol, but I needed it after the day we had. By never, I may have had alcohol 3 times in the past 5 years.

Hash browns
Scrambled eggs
Coffee with cream and sugar
Raisin Toast
(We took Sevi out to breakfast for her birthday. She picked Waffle House)
(No lunch, I was too hot to be hungry)
Chips and salsa
Beef Fajita
Shrimp Brochette
Strawberry Daquari
Water with lemon
(I did not have a piece of the dessert they brought us)

Really, do I need to explain any more?


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