Friday, February 27, 2009

Disaster Friday

Oh, by far today was a disaster. FIRST ~ I lost just a few ounces this week *cries!* which is totally nothing to even mention...oy! For the next weigh-in....its ON like donkey kong!!

Breakfast: Sadly, none
Snack: a chocolate truffle a co-worker made herself
Lunch: Annie's Burrito
Snack: two 100 calorie snack packs 1 cup muesli
Dinner: Guitless Tilapia (Chilis), Salad and 1/2 dessert

Weigh in: 151.6

Exercise: I worked REALLY hard in our warehouse today. I was hot the whole time (which icks me out because I was at work...your not suppose to get all hot and ick at work LOL) I felt like I was doing manual labor. I was climbing and squatting and lifting and pulling stuff. It was exhausting and the first time in a long time that I did not spend much time on the computer while at work. Anyhow, so I consider this somewhat my exercise today :)


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